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IT Risk Managment Tiempo completo

por: Nuvit Service (Cualquier parte) creado el: 24 / Agosto / 2022


information technology risk managers work closely with the IT department of an organization in order to secure information, create, and implement strategies to minimize the variety of risks that could threaten the key information of the firm.


* Expert by advising and guiding enterprise wide initiative suchas risk assessments and remediation of issues.

* Analyzes, evaluates, and provides strategic guidance and direction for programs, policies, and procedures to ensure aligment with regulatory requirements and acceptable risk mitigation practices.

* Provides advisory support for regulatory examinations and audits by defining the how and why for all implemented decisions; ensures all requested documentation is provided.

* Implements appropriate controls and procedures reflecting the standards set forth in the pilicies and regulations


* Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to develop effective trustworthy relationships wiht the IT department and business stakeholders

* IT risk manager, individuals are expected to have a Bachelor’s degree in information Technology or Computer Science, or in any related field

* Excellent communication skilss, both written and verbal


* 4-5 years or experience in Identity Management.

* Good Organization and Planning skills

* Advanced level English

* Technical English is required.

* Highly motivated, driven and willing to work independently while receiving instruction trough supervision in a highly regulated enviroment

* Proactive



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